They say, “Life is all complete with money”, but let me tell you it's not all about money. I belong to a middle class family having a defined and static budget which if moved would result in very high problems. The surrounding and the environment plays very important role in nourishment of a child. And unfortunately, I'm raised in an area where education has never been the primary focus for most of the parents. 

From the beginning of my education, I was interested in O and A levels education system but due to financial problems of my family I could not go to O and A levels. But this doesn't mean I didn't study. Fortunately I got admission at Korangi Academy- a school for children belonging to underprivileged areas. There I got to know about English Access Microscholarship Program funded by U.S Department of State and implemented by iEARN-PAK (SIE). I used to watch videos of students who studied but side by side were highly busy in contributing to the development of their country. I also want to do much for my beloved country and specifically for my city, Karachi. I, too, had this element but didn't know where to get this element polished and how to get connected with these changing agents. Access gave me a chance to do community service projects. Access ended up with a very strong start of my social entrepreneurial life. 

During and after Access I became a part of National Youth Peace Festival, Youth Peace Facilitators' training, Youth Leadership training, Junior Leaders' conference for Korangi kids and many other national training. Through Access and other platforms that came into my way, I learnt how I can serve my society. I had not been acquainted with community service activities before, this concept was introduced at Access and now I have added this to the principles of my life. 

Currently, I am an active member of three youth empowerment and peace building societies and I am busy in spreading the message of peace

I am busy in spreading the message of peace all around the country. I can proudly say that I am serving the society and am playing my part in making this world a better place. All this became possible for me due to Access program. I have a strong feeling that youth like me can bring a change. I am playing my role and I will always do my best. I see myself as a change maker and I want more people joining hands with me.
I will always be thankful to iEARN, Society for international Education and U.S. Consulate General Karachi for helping me in transforming my life through Access.

Mehmood Khan 
PUAN - Karachi


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